Picture of Me

Software Engineer

C++ Developer

Software Engineer

C++ Developer

Picture of Me

Hello there!

My name is James Hillman and I'm a Software Engineer!

I graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Throughout college I co-oped for several engineering companies, including GE Transportation and Siemens.

Picture of Game Jam

Hello there!

My name is James Hillman and I'm a Software Engineer!

I graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Throughout college I co-oped for several engineering companies, including GE Transportation and Siemens.

Picture of Game Jam
Picture of Game Jam

Work Experience

My most recent work experience was as a Software Engineer for Siemens Digital Industries.

I joined Siemens full time right after graduation. I spent over 3 years there as a Shape Modeling engineer for their CAD software NX.

During my tenure I developed and maintained Shape Modeling features for several NX product releases. Through my extensive work with CAD tools I gained valuable experience navigating the complex nature of large software development. In particular I learned much about 3D modeling.

It was here I realized the importance of taking ownership of every step in a product's lifecycle. Thanks to Siemens I can design extensible, scalable software and have had plenty of practice providing excellent support through maintenance and enhancements.

Work Experience

My most recent work experience was as a Software Engineer for Siemens Digital Industries.

I joined Siemens full time right after graduation. I spent over 3 years there as a Shape Modeling engineer for their CAD software NX.

During my tenure I developed and maintained Shape Modeling features for several NX product releases. Through my extensive work with CAD tools I gained valuable experience navigating the complex nature of large software development. In particular I learned much about 3D modeling.

It was here I realized the importance of taking ownership of every step in a product's lifecycle. Thanks to Siemens I can design extensible, scalable software and have had plenty of practice providing excellent support through maintenance and enhancements.

Picture of GE and Siemens Logos

Personal Life

When not coding for work, I code for pleasure!

I love going to game jams and working with like minded people to create interesting interactive projects.

In my spare time I experiment with Unreal and attempt to re-create game design structures using Raylib, a bare bones game graphics library.

Picture of Game Jam

Personal Life

When not coding for work, I code for pleasure!

I love going to game jams and working with like minded people to create interesting interactive projects.

In my spare time I experiment with Unreal and attempt to re-create game design structures using Raylib, a bare bones game graphics library.

Picture of Game Jam

When I don't feel like coding you'll find me honing my skills as an FPV drone pilot in DRL Sim.

I have a TRUST recreational flight certificate and fly a Cetus X irl when I can find the time. There is quite a steep learning curve with the hobby, but if you can dedicate yourself to learning the basics flying FPV drones becomes a blast!

When I don't feel like coding you'll find me honing my skills as an FPV drone pilot in DRL Sim.

I have a TRUST recreational flight certificate and fly a Cetus X irl when I can find the time. There is quite a steep learning curve with the hobby, but if you can dedicate yourself to learning the basics flying FPV drones becomes a blast!

Contact Information

I am always on the lookout for new people with whom to share my craft!

Whether you'd like to chat about some interesting code or talk opportunites, I'm constantly checking for messages.

Feel free to send me a shout via email or reach out on LinkedIn.

I'd also love it if while purusing my GitHub you found a problem and decided to submit a pull request! I can't learn from my mistakes unless I know they exist! :)


Contact Information

I am always on the lookout for new people with whom to share my craft!

Whether you'd like to chat about some interesting code or talk opportunites, I'm constantly checking for messages.

Feel free to send me a shout via email or reach out on LinkedIn.

I'd also love it if while purusing my GitHub you found a problem and decided to submit a pull request! I can't learn from my mistakes unless I know they exist! :)


A few of my favorite repos ...

James Hillman